This Exclusive “New Management Special”
Expires In…

Within A Year Of Joining
The Elevation Group, I...

Slashed My Taxes By $6,000

Generated 300% Returns On A Single Investment

Put My Wealth Generation On “Autopilot”

And Received Personal Mentorship From Millionaires

Brian Fouts


Hi, I’m Brian Fouts.

A few years ago, a mentor of mine introduced me to something called The Elevation Group (or EVG for short).

He told me how EVG...

  • Uncovers strategies for generating 12%, 25% and even 300% returns... TAX-FREE...
  • Reveals exactly how the ultra-wealthy are able to grow richer year after year. (Hint: it’s the exact opposite of what everyone in the middle class does)…
  • And gives you direct access to the same experts millionaires and billionaires call upon for advice.

I was skeptical at first.

I’d had more than enough of financial “experts” spouting useless advice about 401k’s or gambling on the stock market.

But, I was also desperate to break free of my dead-end construction job.

I was sick of grinding away day after day just to keep up with my expenses — of having no control over my money or time. And I hated that no matter how I hard I worked, I never seemed to grow richer.

So I took my mentor’s recommendation, and became a member of EVG.

Immediately I began implementing what I learned.

For example, one of the first models I looked at was on taxes.

Turns out, I was paying the government far more than I should have. And with a couple simple adjustments, I managed to slash my tax bill by $6,000!

This is stuff practically ANYONE can do.

Imagine how much faster you could reach your financial goals if you had an extra $6,000 to invest each year.

What do you do with that money?

Well, EVG walks you through a number of high-growth investments.

I started off in real estate. And get this...

One of my very first investment made me 300% returns in just two months.

That wasn’t the only one either. Another deal netted me 25% profits. And one after that generated over 71%.

But that’s not all.

See, as EVG reveals, you can leverage the time and expertise of other people to grow your wealth even faster.

Thanks to the “EVG Rolodex”, my brother and I were able to get personal mentorship from some leading experts. These are the people millionaires and billionaires call for advice.

With their help, we launched a private investment business.

This put our wealth generation on autopilot. We were literally making money in our sleep.

As a result of all this, I was able to go from being a construction worker to a full-time investor in just a couple years.

And I’m not the only one either…

I’ll share the stories of Susie, Gregg, and M. in just a moment. They (and countless other folks just like you) have all used EVG to break free of the “middle class trap”.


My story doesn’t stop there.

See, because of the wealth strategies I learned in EVG, our money kept growing. And just a few months ago, my brother and I made a massive leap...

We became owners of The Elevation Group.

That’s right...

The same wealth strategies inside EVG allowed us to become the owners of EVG.

And this is why I’m writing to you today.

Because as a new owner, I’m going to do something that has never been done before in the history of EVG...

And that will almost certainly NEVER be done again...

I’m going to allow you to access EVG at a truly ridiculous discount.

Normally, joining EVG costs $97/month.

But for this week only, you can become a member for just $67 per month or $397 per year.

That’s 66% Off Our Regular Price!

Now, EVG members get insider access to the exact tactics and strategies the ultra-rich are using right now to grow and protect their wealth.

This is the same training EVG has provided to countless members who have used it to completely transform their financial situation.

For example, Susie H. of Murchison, TX used what she discovered in EVG to generate over $20,000 shortly after joining!

Another member, Gregg H. of Wilmington, NC, is currently netting more than $700 every single month thanks to just one EVG strategy.

And then there’s M. Richardson of Excelsior, MN. By implementing just one core EVG strategy, he’s now saving at least $6,000 a year in taxes. That’s money he can now put toward new investments or even a nice vacation.

As you can see, EVG more than pays for itself at its regular price.

But today, you’re only going to be paying a fraction of what other people have paid.

So why am I willing to offer such a generous discount too you?

Well, as I said above, my brother Jake and I recently took over here at EVG.

One Of Our Most Important Priorities
Is To Do Right By Our Community
And Kick Things Off On The Right Foot

For the last several months, we’ve been working diligently to “reopen the doors” of EVG. We’re still renovating so to speak, but we’re very excited to share the changes we’ve already made inside with you right now.

And that’s why we’re giving you this exclusive “new management discount” TODAY.

It’s our way of saying thank you to our friends and supporters and ensuring we kick things off on the right foot.

You can claim your discount now using the button below...

PLEASE NOTE: This unique link is for you only.

Right away, you’ll get instant access to incredible wealth strategies like...


  • A simple trick for turning a 10% return into a 34% return while still using the same investment. The wealthy do this all the time to make their investments outperform those of the middle class.
  • How your 401k is a ticking tax “time-bomb” that will decimate your wealth the instant you retire. Use this little-known “account” instead to generate safe, TAX-FREE retirement income.
  • Why diversification is a guaranteed path to mediocre returns. (And, the “bird-of-prey” strategy the rich use instead.)
  • A counterintuitive way to use “financial WMD’s” to erase your risk in the stock market. Mark Cuban recently used this exact method to avoid over $5.7 billion in losses!
  • How an extravagant dinner out with your spouse can cut your tax bill by hundreds of dollars… (100% legal).
  • Use this “tax kicker” to turn every $1 you make into $1.40. Not only do most people ignore this incredible bonus, they also end up forking over an additional 40 cents per dollar earned to the IRS.
  • How to get a world-class business education while spending 97.9% less than the cost of an MBA. By the time others would've graduated, your business will already be making you $50k per month.
  • Boost the rent you’re getting from an investment property by 20% or more with these simple, and inexpensive, modifications. (Only takes 2 days to permanently increase your income.)
  • Should you buy a new car with cash or should you take out a loan? The answer is neither! Instead, find out a unique way to buy a new car every five years and get paid interest at the same time.
  • Why you should make it easier for the IRS to audit you.
  • And much, much more...


As you may have heard, the mission of The Elevation Group, ever since its inception in late 2010 is to...

Crack Open The “Black Box” Strategies
Of The Ultra-Rich And Bring Them
To Folks Just Like You!

“If you want to get rich… you need to pay attention to what the world’s wealthiest men and women are actually doing with their money.”

We’re not changing that basic philosophy one bit. In fact, Jake, my brother and I have taken EVG to a higher level and found more experts for you.

Real experts.

Not the kind on Wall Street, on CNBC and looking to earn a commission off of you.

As the original founders stated:

“If you want to get rich... you need to pay attention to what the world’s wealthiest men and women are actually doing with their money.”

That's the kind of wealth secrets we teach inside EVG.

And these are the kind of wealth secrets we want to give you access to today!

I’m talking about incredible EVG advisors like Ken.

In the last couple years he’s purchased over $300 million dollars in real estate. And he’s been personally endorsed by Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad Poor Dad) and Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump.

For good reason too…

That’s because he’s figured out how to generate infinite returns on his real estate deals.

Yes, you read that right.

Ken’s worked out a clever way to leverage tax write-offs to generate millions of dollars a year in cash-flow… without putting down a single penny of his own money.

His deals are so lucrative that he’s got a waiting list of investors wanting to work with him.

Obviously, these kind of investment opportunities are not available to the general public.

But he’s agreed to share his unique 4-part real estate strategy with EVG members… including the exact criteria he personally uses to make million-dollar profits on every deal he does.

You'll get his wealth secrets the moment you sign up and become a member of EVG. And today only, at 66% discount.

Ken isn’t the only amazing expert inside EVG.

There’s also our resident asset protection lawyer, Kevin.

He’s been involved in multiple high-profile court cases… including one before the United States Supreme Court.

In addition to being a practicing lawyer, he is a bestselling author of 4 books. And many believe him to be the leading authority on estate planning and asset protection in the US.


Because he’s developed unique (and completely legal) ways to make your entire wealth and estate completely immune to lawsuits, financial predators, and even the IRS.

Now, you may think these sort of strategies are only for the rich and wealthy. Well, you'd be wrong if you thought that.

Because EVG members from all walks of life have used his strategies.

And you'll get access to his best tactics and tips inside as a member of EVG.

These are just two of our “wealth advisors”.

When you become a member of the Elevation Group...

You get direct access to dozens more of these high-level experts... the same ones that millionaires and billionaires routinely call upon for advice.

And as mentioned already, today you get a very unique 66% off "New Management" discount.

Frankly, your members’ area is jam-packed with valuable training. And in a moment I'm going to tell you all about it...

But first, you may be wondering...

Who Am I…
And How Did I Come
To Be The Owner Of EVG?

My name is Brian Fouts. As I mentioned above, my brother Jake Fouts and I are the new owners of The Elevation Group.

For years, I’ve been a member of the EVG community.

Robert and Mike’s lessons showed me an actionable way to go from employee to business owner.

This was what Rich Dad Poor Dad was missing. That book told me to be a business owner, but didn’t show me how. The Elevation Group showed me how.

And within 6 years, I had gone from construction worker to full-time investor and entrepreneur.

That’s pretty impressive.

But, in a strange twist of fate, my brother and I weren’t just going to be EVG members...

We Were Looking To Save It

One day, I got a call from a close friend and mentor of mine. He told me how he’d received the news that EVG was about to shut down for good.

“You’re kidding!” I told him. EVG was too big a movement to just shut down.

Then my mentor threw down the gauntlet.

“Well,” he said, “Why don’t you take it over?”

I looked at him like he was crazy! Why would I do that?

Sure, I’d had several big successes before. I’d built a thriving private investor business. I’d racked up in real estate investing (including one deal that made 300% returns in just 2 months). I’d bought companies and steered them to even greater profits.

All of this came using the exact strategies taught inside EVG. And I owed my entire success to what I’d learned as a member. But… to “own” EVG… that felt different from those other ventures.

You see, EVG was, no, IS special.

It’s a movement.

It’s transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Over the next several months, my brother and I talked it over. We discussed it with our mentors. And we had countless conversations with Robert — flying down to meet in person and spending hours on the phone at a time.

And the more we thought about it, the more excited we became about the idea of continuing the revolution.

It became crystal clear that...

Jake And I Are Ready To Do
Whatever It Takes
To Ensure EVG Continues

It is too valuable and too important to close down forever. And, it’s a dream opportunity to truly make a difference for people (just like it has made a difference for us).

And just as importantly, EVG embodies those same core values Jake and I stand for...

  • Self-Reliance
  • Freedom
  • Contribution

So here we are… we’re taking the torch from Mike and Robert. And we’re pumped to make EVG even better than it already is.

Of course, I want to assure you EVG is already jam-packed with invaluable wealth strategies practically anyone can use.

Let me tell you about what the THREE CORE SERIES of EVG LESSONS you’ll get RIGHT AWAY the moment you become a member of the Elevation Group…

Unlock The “Wealth Mindset”
Of The Ultra-Rich

The rich view wealth in a completely different way than the middle class.

And in our foundation videos we walk you their full “wealth mindset” — giving you the ability to see (and exploit) opportunities that most everyone else is blind to.


How To Generate Wealth In The New Economy

For millions of Americans, 2008 was a complete financial disaster.

Yet the rich were able to exploit the same circumstances to multiply their wealth 10-fold.

Find out the 3 advantages that tilted the scale in their favor (and how you can copy their path to explosive returns).

Tax Strategies of The Rich 101

Warning: If you’re getting tax advice from TurboTax, H&R Block, or most other tax firms… they may be charging you “hidden fees” of several thousands of dollars a year!

No, I don’t mean the price you pay for their services. I’m talking about the small fortune you’re unnecessarily handing over to the IRS each year.

Discover who to turn to instead... and how this may save you $6000 or more on your next tax bill.

Wealth Strategies of the Rich 101

The game is rigged... and Wall Street is making a fortune at the expense of the entire middle-class.

Discover the 3 massive lies perpetuated by Wall Street about how we should invest… and how the rich do the exact opposite.

Teaching Your Kids To Be Financially Self-Reliant

Prevent your kids from becoming indentured servants to government taxation, unfulfilling careers or crushing debt.

Instead, find out how to leave a true financial “legacy” to your children — instilling them with lasting values of self-reliance, entrepreneurship, and wealth.

How to Win the Credit Score Game So You Can Maximize Your Investment Opportunities

Did you know that having a “less-than-perfect” credit score could bump up the interest rate on your home mortgage by 50%? Or blacklist you from the most lucrative investments?

It’s true.

Trouble is... improving your credit score is a rigged game.

Find out how the credit industry prefers actively conspires to keep your score low. And how you can legally fight back.

Why Saving For Retirement Is Planning For Bankruptcy

Here’s the cold truth your broker won’t tell you… playing the lottery gives you better odds than most retirement plans. And even the limited savings you do manage to hold onto into your retirement will evaporate far sooner than you might think.

Discover a strategy that will virtually guarantee you income (and peace of mind)… for the rest of your life.

Of course, it doesn’t matter how good you are with your money if you lose it all to taxes, lawsuits, or other predators.

That’s why we also cover…

How To Protect Your Hard-Earned Money
From Undeserving “Financial Pirates”

One stock market crash can wipe out decades of gains. A single lawsuit can hand your entire fortune to an undeserving lawyer. An error on your taxes could mean turning over half a year’s wages to the IRS.

This could set your financial goals back years — or even decades.

Don’t wait till it’s too late to protect yourself.

In these premium training videos, we’ll walk you step-by-step through how you can secure your finances today.

Tax Strategies of The Rich 201

Discover how to use IRS recognized “tax shelters” to safeguard your wealth from the biggest financial predator of all… the government.

This one thing can immediately drop you into a lower tax bracket — letting you make twice as much money, while paying HALF the tax.

Wealth Strategies of the Rich 201

Want to earn the same amount of money in 3 minutes that you could in 90 days? It all comes down to leveraging this simple “piggybacking” strategy.

Asset Protection Strategies Of The Rich That Everyone Should Use

You may think you’re safe from a lawsuit. But did you know that 1 in 4 Americans will be sued in their lifetime?

What’s more? A single court case can send you into bankruptcy... even if you win.

You MUST take preventative action before it’s too late. We show you how.

How To Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones From Politicians, Pirates, and Other Financial Predators

Want to ensure your heirs and loved ones are taken care of when you die?

If so, you need to establish this vital “legal protection” for your estate today. (And no, I’m not talking about your will.)

How to Protect Yourself from Politicians, Pirates and Other Financial Predators Part II

Discover a quick way to to “lawsuit-proof” your assets. Besides safeguarding your money in the event of a court case… this simple strategy forces sue-happy lawyers to look elsewhere for “easier prey”.

(Warning: This is something you need to establish now — before a lawsuit hits. The moment someone tries to sue you… it’s far to late to protect yourself.)

And with the proper protection in place, you’ll be able to to keep more of every dollar you earn.

That’s critical, because inside EVG you’re also going to learn...

How The Ultra-Rich Exponentially
Grow Their Money

Guarantee a winning real estate deal with this simple 4-step system… Including the exact criteria that our EVG advisor uses to step away with million-dollar profits every single time.

Your typical financial planner will tell you that if you’re getting a yearly return of 8% on your investment, you’re doing really good.

Yet the rich routinely generate 20%, 100%, or 500% profits on a single investment… TAX-FREE.

How do they do this?

Well, we reveal their most explosive strategies in this growth series of videos.

Tax Strategies of the Rich 301

Crack the code of the IRS “treasure map”.

The government publicly publishes this document every single year. Yet only a handful of people bother to take advantage of its full wealth generating potential.

Wealth Strategies of The Rich 301

Find out why working harder can actually sabotage your ability to grow your income.

Instead, use this “wealth multiplier” strategy to not only reduce your work hours… but to also 10x your income at the same time.

Cash Flow Profits and Tax Rewards of Oil and Gas Investing

Want to double your money in just 7 years… without taking on significant risk?

This extremely conservative play in oil and gas could do just that (while also cutting your tax bill).

How To Increase Your Monthly Cash Flow With A Home Business

Turbocharge your income with the single most powerful wealth strategy on the planet. Every self-made millionaire I’ve talked to has their own business.

Discover a 3 part checklist that virtually guarantees your new venture will succeed before you even get started.

Building A Cash Flow Empire With Real Estate

No, I’m not talking about “flipping” houses — a short-term strategy that allows the government to swoop in and steal up to 39.6% in taxes.

Instead, you’ll see how to use real estate to generate safe, steady and tax-free income. All you have to do is sit back and collect your checks.

The Anatomy of a Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Deal

Guarantee a winning real estate deal with this simple 4-step system… Including the exact criteria that our EVG advisor uses to step away with million-dollar profits every single time.

Now, EVG’s mission is to uncover…

Everything The Rich Are Doing With Their Money

As such, the EVG members area is packed with dozens of additional wealth strategies and in-depth interviews with the super-rich.

You’ll also discover…

  • Have a few “black marks” on your credit history? Find out 3 techniques to reestablish your credit quickly. (These work even if you’ve had a recent bankruptcy!)
  • Beat your bank and earn 7 times more interest by opening your own private “checking account”. Better yet… you keep getting that interest even when you “withdraw” funds.
  • Did your savings recently tank with the stock market? If so, the government may owe you a significant amount of change. Claim it by filing just a few pieces of paperwork.
  • The ideal tax structure to put in place when you’re just starting out on a new business. (Get this wrong, and your tax bill could be 2, 3 or even 10 times higher.)
  • How a low “PVL” handicaps your maximum earning potential for any business venture... and how to shatter this “limit” on your success.
  • Nearly every financial planner starts off by asking, “How much money will you need for retirement?” Yet this approach is a sure-fire path to poverty. Instead, you need to begin with _____.
  • Why 95% of people fail when launching a new business. (Hint: It has nothing to do with the quality of their business idea.)
  • Discover the “million dollar fallacy” overlooked by 99% of financial planners. (This one oversight may cause you to “miss out” on over $700,000 by the time you retire.)
  • The “Walgreens Strategy” for collecting safe, passive income every single month... without paying a cent in taxes.
  • How following the conventional advice of “maxing out your 401k” can actually jump your tax rate by 143%!
  • And much, much more…

Look — it’s no wonder we’re constantly getting letters like these from our members…

“I have reached my retirement goals in a very short period of time because of your teachings, so I am living proof of what you discussed is absolutely true! Keep bringing the value!”
Keeneth R.
“Wow – there is a wealth of life-changing information on this site. Nice work! I know I’ve made the right decision to join this group and I’m stoked to get involved in the opportunities you are bringing to EVG.”
Jason Wingfield
One of the best moves I’ve ever made in my life was joining the EVG family. It’s truly been a life changer for myself and my family. Thanks again for everything you have done for us and we look forward to marching ahead with you in the new year.”
Don Edd G.

Experience the “life-changing” power of EVG today.
And save 66% on the cost of your membership...

However, EVG doesn’t stop with giving you our premium training.

Your membership also gives you direct access to the leading teachers and experts inside EVG.

This kind of access is the key reason why…


Why The Rich Keep Getting Richer And Richer

If a wealthy person wants to find a new opportunity in real estate, do you think she goes and runs a search on Google?

No, she picks up the phone.

She calls one of the world’s leading authorities on real estate.

That person will then connect her with opportunities that are not advertised anywhere — opportunities that the general public are clueless even exist.

To put it simply, the rich get richer because they have inside connections.

And that’s why as part of your EVG membership we include…

Access To Our Exclusive “EVG Rolodex”

All you have to do is contact our Elevation Group Concierge, and we’ll make a personal introduction to our leading wealth advisors.

As I shared earlier, these people are not your “typical” financial planners. These are the same individuals that millionaires and billionaires routinely call upon for advice.

Imagine what a single conversation with one of these wealth experts could do for you.

Quite simply, it could change your life.

Just like it already has for many of our members…


“I used to invest in stocks and funds which felt like chains in 2008. Now I am buying precious metals and am up 60% so far.”

Rudi M, Borsbeek, Belgium
"After losing about $2 million in the 2008 crash, I was VERY cautious and did not want to risk it all again. I’m glad I joined EVG! I set up a ‘bank-of-you’, purchased silver, and have cash flow real estate. Even though I’m starting over, EVG has definitely put me on the right track!”
Jeffrey H, Slidell, LA
“I felt that I would never have the resources or knowledge to invest in real estate. But now I feel empowered financially for the first time. I started netting $700 per month as soon as I closed on two rental homes using EVG strategies.”
Gregg H, Wilmington, NC

Start generating similar results by joining EVG today.
And right now, you gain access at 66% discount
on your membership...

And that’s not all. Jake and I also have…

Thrilling Plans For The Future Of The Elevation Group

“In my case, I was fortunate to have the right mentor to help me figure out what to do first. But I want to make sure EVG members get that same benefit.”

For example, there’s one thing that’s often frustrated me about the old EVG.

The strategies are incredible. They all work. But it can be hard to know where to start.

  • What do you do if you don’t have any money saved up or don’t have much to invest?
  • What do you do if you’re nearing retirement?
  • What do you do if you’re early in your career and want to know what assets to put in place first?
  • What do you do if do have some decent savings already, but know you could be getting a better return on your money than you are?

In my case, I was fortunate to have the right mentor to help me figure out what to do first. But I want to make sure EVG members get that same benefit.

This is why we’re are currently developing what we call...

The Complete Wealth Blueprint

Here’s how it works.

First, we’ll lay out the full journey to wealth. (I believe that to succeed, you first need to know where you’re headed.)

Second, we’ll get more granular about your situation.

We’ll help you evaluate your full financial status. We’ll walk your through taking a detailed inventory of your current assets, where they are, and what areas you’re short on.

This will tell you exactly where you are along the “wealth path”.

Finally, we’ll point you to the specific EVG lessons you need to implement based on your current situation.

And this leads me to the next of our big plans for EVG…

Making EVG Even More Actionable and Practical

As I write this, we’re in the process of going through the core EVG lessons. And, we’re recording additional video content for each of them.

We’re making it even easier for you to take direct action on everything we teach.


By creating bite-sized, 15 minute videos that lay out the immediate action steps for each lesson.

In other words, you’ll get the full context of the strategy from the main lesson video…

And then, you’ll also have step-by-step instructions for how to implement that strategy — who to call, what accounts to open, what paperwork you need to fill out, and so on.

This isn’t the only new training content we’re adding to the EVG members area though.

We’re also recording… 

Groundbreaking New Lessons
With The World’s Most Successful
Inventors and Entrepreneurs

One of my favorite things about the old EVG was the quality of the advisors.

Just take Tom who teaches the Tax Strategies of the Rich series inside EVG. Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, describes him as a man “anyone who wants to be rich needs to add to his team.”

Through applying what I learned from him, I instantly slashed my tax bill by $5,000 per year. It was like receiving a check straight from the U.S. President.

And here’s the exciting thing…

Jake and I have been learning from several other mentors as well.

And in the coming months, we’re going to be bringing these people directly to EVG members. In fact, we’re currently recording several video lessons and creating new content with these new advisors.

While I can’t reveal their names quite yet, I can tell you this…

“Through applying what I learned from him, I instantly slashed my tax bill by $5,000 per year. It was like receiving a check straight from the U.S. President.”

These Individuals Have Made
Millions From Their Investing
And Business Ventures

A few of them are even billionaires.

In fact, one gentleman we’re talking with right now is the founder of a name-brand, publicly traded dollar company.

Last year his company was worth $63 billion.

He has agreed to share his insights and business mindset in an exclusive video training for EVG members.

Another man is a leading expert on real estate.

I have personally used his advice to create deals that netted 300% returns or more in just 2 months (among dozens of other successful ventures).

We’ve convinced him to share these exact strategies and tactics with EVG members in an upcoming video lesson.

Of course, not only are we going to be sharing the expertise of these new EVG advisors…

We’re going to also make it easy for you to work directly with them. You’ll be able to connect with them straight from the members area.

Now I have to be upfront with you about something.

With all the new content and value, both Jake and I believe it would be more than reasonable to…

Double The Price Of EVG Membership
In The Near Future

This is especially true when you consider the amount of money members are already making...

“I freed my IRA, bought cash-flow real-estate, and have made $20,000 since implementing EVG strategies. Your strategies have empowered me to make what I feel are the best decisions. I feel more in charge of my financial future and refer back to your website frequently.”
Susie H, Murchison, TX
“I lost my job 12 months ago. I joined EVG about 6 months ago. Since joining I have I’ve used 7 different EVG strategies and I’m up 29% so far this year. I have never felt more empowered and confident in my financial future than I do today.”
Susie H, Murchison, TX
“My original strategy was to save as much money as possible by finding a cheap tax accountant. After all, don’t they all know the same thing? WRONG! As a result of being part of EVG I will now save at least $6,000 per year. Paying for the right information pays dividends.”
M. Richardson, Excelsior, Minnesota

As it is...

The Normal Price For EVG Is Already A Bargain

Currently, it costs $97 a month to become a member.


Jake and I are new owners here.

And one of our biggest priorities is to do right by our community.

The high quality of EVG supporters like yourself is a major reason The Elevation Group is so great.

And we want to honor that commitment and dedication.

So because you’re willing to join us on this journey now, we’re offering you an extreme, one-time “new management discount”.

It’s our way of saying thank you for being a part of the broader EVG community.

Instead of paying the full price of $97/month...

If you sign up this week, you’ll only pay $67/month.

That’s a 31% discount!


Simply hit the button below to claim your discount…

In fact, I’m going to make this an even better deal for you today.

See, as I’ve talked to hundreds of millionaires and billionaires, I’ve come to notice something interesting…

They all have incredible commitment.

Instead of just chasing the next “bright shiny object” (or whatever investment is “in vogue” that month)…

The wealthy find a strategy that works, and they invest for the long haul — reaping the benefits for decades.

And as such, I’m going to reward those people who are similarly willing to commit for the long haul…

If you enroll in EVG for a full 12 months, you’ll only pay $397 for a years subscription.

That works out to $33/month.

And, it’s an…

66% Savings Off The Full Price Of EVG!

Quite simply… this is the lowest price you will EVER be able to join The Elevation Group at.
We’ll be jumping EVG back up to the full price the instant the deadline expires.
So I urge you to claim your discount immediately…

In addition, you’re enrollment is backed by...

EVG’s 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

You’ve got a full 30 days to evaluate The Elevation Group.

Go through the material. Test out the wealth strategies for yourself. And if for whatever reason, you decide EVG isn’t a fit for you, send us a note and we’ll give you a full refund.

But, I need to be extremely clear about something upfront.


This Is Not Some “Get Rich Quick Scheme”

This is a proven path to wealth based on what the world’s richest individuals are currently doing.

Of course, the path to wealth taught inside EVG is still 1000 times easier and faster than the “middle-class model” of investing (which forces you to trade decades of your life working for the “hope” of retiring someday).

Yet you do have to commit to growing your wealth. It does take work.

After all, a million dollar idea is useless if you don’t take action on it.

However, if you’re wanting to become a millionaire just by throwing a few bucks at the stock market and “hoping” your investment will magically make you 2,405% returns…

Then please do not sign up.

But if you’re wanting safe, proven strategies that build wealth for you day after day, month after month, year after year… for the rest of your life...

Then simply press the button below to enroll in EVG today...

Now, a few months back, I attended a high-end mastermind in Mexico.

Every person there was a millionaire. Several were billionaires. (In other words, the kind of people we seek out as advisors for EVG members.)

Needless to say, it was an inspiring weekend.

But here’s what struck me most about the event.

Hardly anyone talked about money.

Instead, they discussed their family and relationships. They shared their dreams for making a difference in the world.

The conversation was all about improving quality of life.

What does that look like for you?

Maybe it means being able to spend more time with your kids.

Perhaps it’s giving you peace of mind… the confidence that even if the stock market were to crash, your money would be safe and protected.

It could be providing for your family and loved ones.

Or maybe you’re wanting the freedom to do meaningful work that contributes to others.

Either way...

Are you ready to do what it takes to make it a reality?

If so, EVG is here to give you the knowledge, strategies and connections to create a life of wealth… not just for you, but for the people you care about.

But it’s up to make that first step.

You will never see EVG at this low price again…



Brian Fouts
Co-Owner, The Elevation Group

PPS: This exclusive offer is NOT being made available to the general public. It’s for friends of [JV NAME] only. So please do not share this private link with anyone.

PPS: Your 66% discount expires in...

After that, we will NOT be allowing new members to join at this low price ever again. In fact, we’re even considering increasing the regular price of EVG going forward due to all of the new content we’re adding.

So claim your discount before it’s too late...